Why is coaching for the IELTS exam preferable to self-study?

Is IELTS coaching required?

What would it be like to swim for the first time without a float? It’s kind of like taking an IELTS test, only the float is a mentor. So, should you enroll in an IELTS coaching programme or not?

When it comes to being an IELTS master, a mentor is crucial. IELTS, while appearing straightforward to many, is anything but; the most significant component being the exam arrangement.

With improved internet access, it is now much simpler to go deep and comprehend the subtleties and complexity of such internationally famous tests. However, one must understand that ‘knowledge is not enough.’

Knowing English will not help you pass the IELTS exam.

This is a TRUE FACT.

This is also the fundamental reason why coaching is superior to self-study for the IELTS exam and is still widely used by applicants today.

Let’s clear this up by discussing the CHALLENGES EXPERIENCED BY IELTS TEST TAKERS.

Assume you have already had the benefit of receiving your formal education in an English Medium school or are a natural English speaker. Otherwise, you would want IELTS tutoring to pass the exam because you just know the fundamentals of the language.

So, returning to the issues, we will address them one by one.

It is essential to understand the IELTS format.

IELTS is a highly organized exam that is administered in a very professional setting.

It is well recognised that it is separated into four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

It is critical for the test-taker to understand the pattern of all the skills for which he or she will be evaluated. Knowing what to accomplish is a key component in the IELTS test since knowing what to do allows one to focus on how to perform it best!

Unfortunately, many test takers appear to be perplexed not just by the design but also by the whole exam.


The temptation to “relax” for a little since you “still have a month to prepare” is such a seductive trap that most of us keep postponing our goals, work, resolutions, and so on. We have so many items and technology around us to distract us from being bored and from accomplishing what we should be doing.

A Netflix series or an entertaining film on an appealing platform pushes back a laborious and monotonous activity like test preparation. So, by the time you realize it, you’ve only got 5 days to be ready.

“Strike while the rod is hot.” is a motto to remember during the game.

‘Self-study’ necessitates determination, which must originate from inside. If you can’t stop yourself from delaying ‘just a little bit longer,’ your self-confidence will suffer, and the uneasiness that results will have a direct impact on your IELTS band score.

Coaching necessitates one hour of your time, which you provide to your teacher on a regular basis. This time spent with a skilled trainer will undoubtedly assist you in obtaining the desired band.

Absence of accountability

When anything has a monetary value linked to it, you are driven to take it seriously, either by yourself or by others who pressure you to utilize it (mostly parents).

While confidence in your learning capacity may help you take the exam seriously, it also costs you money because you wind up scoring less than necessary and must retake the exam.

You become responsible for not just sitting for the exam but also for the classes you must attend for an extra $1,000.

Coaching, as opposed to self-study, molds you for your IELTS exam from the start.

Too many cooks.

Most of us would turn to YouTube to get knowledge or, at the very least, articles, blogs, and pdfs when studying for the IELTS exam.
The issue here is that you only get fragments of information, primarily the ones you believe you need, and there are too many individuals giving you the same thing in various ways.

In that instance, who would you hold responsible if you lost bands due to miscommunication or assumption? Nobody.
In coaching, on the other hand, the tutor is the major (and often the only) source of knowledge, the one who answers all of your questions, and is responsible for the grades you obtain if you have worked hard for them.

Time Management

You would have various tasks in your day-to-day existence if IELTS was not the only thing on your bucket list.

Self-learning or self-study allows you to accomplish ‘it’ later with simplicity and freedom.

Suggestions and Tricks

Yes, there are several IELTS preparation tips and methods. However, these are only meant to assist you in overcoming your flaws and should not be adopted blindly.
IELTS preparation is most successful when you use the ‘TPT’ approach, which stands for Test Practice Test.

First and foremost, you administer exams to determine where you stand. This allows you to better understand your own strengths and shortcomings. Your teacher will provide you advice to overcome your deficiencies and tactics to polish and develop your abilities based on these.

This allows you to practice more precisely each time you progress to the next phase.

Where do you obtain these advantages? Obviously, via coaching.

As a result, coaching assists you in measuring yourself during the learning process while also assisting you in making use of tips and tactics that are relevant to your potential.


Money is important. A re-evaluation of an IELTS exam costs more than Rs 11,000, and reappearing costs the same as the original fee, which is roughly Rs 15,000.
Why spend 30,000 to 45,000 dollars to acquire the required band score when you may get it in just one attempt for a thousand or two dollars more?

An online tutoring alternative, such as IELTS Tutorials, has a reputation for helping students pass their exam on the first try, saving them money and time.

IELTS coaching is accessible in two formats: traditional classroom teaching and contemporary online coaching. While both offer advantages, balancing the advantages and disadvantages would tip the scales in favor of online tutoring.

Now that you understand the difficulties that you may experience if you study on your own, I believe you will be able to make the best decision for yourself.

Best of luck with your IELTS preparation and exam.

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